investment projects

The works carried out by Asyar Company
In the fields of construction and construction
 Asyar Company has implemented many construction projects
In Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah and its peripheries,
1. Construction of 700 residential houses in the Zarkoist area of Sulaymaniyah governorate.
2 - Building 1200 housing units of apartments, villas, houses and integrated mall contains
Over 70 stores, stores, sports and entertainment halls in the name of the White City
3- The company owns another project in Kirkuk province in the name of the white city
White City, which consists of 400 housing units in progress 2
4-The company owns a special brick factory.
5-The company owns the factory of cork insulation also Bakhtiar Ahmed company.EPS
6-The company owns a ready-made concrete factory which supplies all
7-Projects implemented by the company.
8-The company owns the block block factory in Kirkuk governorate
Bakhtiar Ahmed Group.
8-Insulation system construction Panal M2
9-Establishing a group of centers to rehabilitate women in all areas
Implemented in the following areas.
(New Halabja, Sayed Sadiq, Kalar, Darbandikhan, Rania, Hajiaweh, Penguin,
Dukan, Dzeh Castle, Halabja Shahid, Chamchamal).

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